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mostra Ma-Ec Maria Silvia Da Re
Happiness in Nations (2020) Installation view

Maria Silvia Da Re considers herself an “aesthetic artifex”, being passionate about the correspondence of the arts and their multifarious contemporary expressions. As an author, she has mainly published Versimail (Zacinto Edizioni, 2022), three poems in serial form, and the essays La bocca immagina. I poteri della traduzione artistica (Mimesis, 2014), and Yves Bonnefoy: il Cuore-spazio e i testi giovanili (Alinea, 2000). Some of her poetic texts, in Italian and French, have been published in France, in Poésie/Première n° 30, 2004, and care of AICL, Association Internationale de la Critique Littéraire (Tours), of which she was also viceprésidente for Italy  ̶  Bulletin de l’Aicl 1, 2015, Poètes de l’Aicl, une anthologie, 2018  ̶  and in Italy, in Enciclopedia di Poesia Italiana (vol. 10, 2019), by Fondazione Mario Luzi Editore. As an artist, she has taken part into several group exhibitions and fairs, among which Affordable Art Fair (2015), Biennale di Genova (2017), ArteGenova (2020) and Triennale di Arti Visive di Roma (2021). She has lately shown her works at Ma-Ec Gallery in Milan and on its virtual extension Wepresentart. She has been selected artist (painting section) in Premio Combat Prize 2021.